Customer Testimonies

I’ve had a lot of sunspots and sun damage on my face, hands and legs, so I’ve been treated by laser with very great and wonderful results at COL clinic. Soheila provided the specific laser protocol for me which it was matched with my skin.  Thank you soheila. I’ve been at the COL clinic for years and I am always delighted with the results and will continue coming for years on. Great Services!

– Karen D.

After just 3 sessions, I am very satisfied with my laser treatment for stretch mark reduction . Very kind and professional, and they  really care about achieving the results and helping the clients.

-Sami T.

Very knowledgeable and professional! I’ve struggled with acne scarring for years. Beyond doubt, I am seeing improvement; still have a few more sessions to go.  The acne scarring and skin texture has improved after a few sessions. So truthful and tell you what it is, no pressure to sell or upsell.

-Chris B.

It’s just a little heat and is over very quick; I was nervous because it was my first time and was happy that laser hair removal was not as painful as I thought. The treatment takes about ten minutes – not long at all.  I had pleasant experiences and after 8 sessions here I am, 80% hair less! Thank you for your services.

-Deb S. 

Very pleasant introduction to this clinic. Thorough debriefing as to the process which was done professionally with gentle care.

-Claudia P.

Amazing and knowledgeable service. One of the best IPL’s I have ever received for my Rosacea!

-Heather B. 

 ” @Groupon # Customers

Everything about the procedure was explained thoroughly together with photos of result for other clients. I was also informed of other packages and specials that would be of interest to me.

Very professional and happy with the results
Yasmine R,  
