Laser Therapy*

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• Laser Therapy for weight loss:

It is a combination of weekly treatments arranged. The technique is completely safe and painless, no needles or medication needed. There is no discomfort or disrobing. Laser is a method of coherent light energy applied to arouse metabolic pathway in the body. When the light is absorbed by the tissue, it creates particular normal reactions which have valuable stimulation effects. Low Level Laser Therapy is the code approach of treatment. It is non-invasive, fast and effective. Losing weight is all about hormonal balance. Laser therapy is used to fuel sympathetic and sensory afferent nerves on selected acupuncture points and area of the body. These points direct specific data to the brain. This sources the brain to typically produce opiate-like components which increase the metabolic rate and overwhelm appetite. It makes the body ready for more active fat loss. Laser therapy balances the body’s energy so that you will not eat out of feelings and reactions like when you get distressed, annoyed or depressed, but only when you are really hungry. This technique aids to:
1) Decrease the appetite typically 40% – 50%.
2) Rouse the metabolism so the body burns calories much faster.
3) Eliminate the cravings and hungers for sweets like sugar, chocolate, breads, etc., and unnecessary food.
4) Diminish tension, nervousness and depression.

For body contouring:

Laser therapy is achieved safe and significant girth loss sustained over repeated treatments and cumulative over 4 weeks of eight treatments. The girth loss from the waist gave clinically and statistically significant cosmetic improvement. Low Level Laser or Cold Laser Therapy has been well recognized over the years for their role in bio-stimulation at the cellular level. While this has been used in pain relief, Laser induced lipolysis on adipose cells have well known the use of laser devices on fat cells. It is stated that laser alone can mobilize cholesterol from the cell membrane. Intra-cellular fat is also released from adipocytes when light photons are delivered to adipose with cold red laser. After laser therapy due to release of fat from adipose tissue, it is key point to remove released fat by exercise and fitness during next 72 hrs. Laser therapy increases the amount of collagen production and by this way it provides tighter skin with better appearance and diminishes the adhesion and orange appearance of the skin.

For Laser Detoxification:

In 1923 for the first time, blood photo therapy was used for the treatment of infections in animal studies and for the control of the infection in humans by Emmek Knott – (U.S.A). The radiated light was not laser; the laser had not been invented yet. Historically, photo-blood therapy was first administered to humans in 1928 in Germany when a woman dying of sepsis (a usually fatal bacterial infection of the blood) was cured in two days.  For the first time Blood Laser Therapy was designed and implemented by Russian scientists intended to treat cardiopulmonary disorders in the decade 1980-1990.  Laser Detoxification Therapy was designed based on the science of Photo- Quantum Physics, Acupuncture, Homeopathy and the basis of Nutritional Detoxification, and Biochemistry. The first version of Blood Laser Therapy was invasive and applied through the intravascular optical fibers. The new version of Laser Detoxification is non-invasive, and itself does not contain the consumption of chemical ingredients. Additionally, its ability to detoxify is a main key in detoxification process. Laser Detoxification mobilizes and removes toxic agents from different place in the body where they are producing gradually slight damage (i.e. fat stores), or organs where they can source much harm like liver and kidneys.

Laser Detoxification: Laser energy is delivered over blood pathway and spread through the body in a wide approach to release or wash of the tissues. It is a very operative fast detoxification remedy that aids in clearing the toxins affecting the body. Some people recover in 24-72 hours, instead in weeks or months. Laser detoxification method, eliminates toxin causing the body to disturb change connected to the disease in a predictable way. Laser Detoxification has been stated to support detoxification, decrease allergic reactions, modulate autoimmune system, and stimulate a proper response to infections and invasions. Laser therapy mechanism is based on the quantum physical characterize of the cell. Light photons transmit information into the cells like to the natural bio-photons formed by each cell. Several herbal and nutritional supplements and heavy metal binders are similarly used throughout this time to increase the body’s natural drainage and detoxification procedures over the liver, kidneys, lymphatic system, and spleen for a more whole removal of the toxins.


* The results may vary from person to person. 
